Ella Update – 36 hours-ish

4.25.2006 — 10 Comments

She’s been with us for a little more than 36-hours and already we’ve learned so much.

The emotional-rush of “realizing” the birth of your first daughter is something I am still at grips with grasping. This morning, a flood of emotion hit me and I became physically ill and Jess sent me home to get some non-hospital-fake-bed rest. My wife, who just gave birth to our daughter is STILL taking care of me in her way!

Thank you God for my wife and daughter.

I’m on my way back to the hospital this afternoon after some much needed and wife-directed “home-bed” rest. I will return to the diaper-changing, daughter-calming, and wife-helping that I have already enjoyed!

Ella has finally worn off of the “I’m not going to cry when I’m hungry” phase and has quickly learned how to use her lungs and vocal chords to their fullest. She is an amazing creation!

To all of the well-wishers via comments here at stevansheets.com – THANKS! It has been good to read the comments again and again (and again!), though I have yet to be able to print off the posts and comments for Jess as our printer is like most American-family’s printers – WITHOUT INK!

We have had so many great visits over the last 36-hours and we thank each of you for your prayers and support (and girlie-clothing!) Ella also sends her heartfelt cry of approval to the support her Mommy and Daddy are receiving from those who love them.

Looks like we may be coming home sometime tomorrow (Wednesday) if all goes as planned today. Jess begins eating “real” (though still, “hospital”) food today. She also needs to get up and walk for a bit. I will be there for those events – maybe even chew up her food for her like a mother bird does for her babies. Okay, no that won’t be happening, but it just flowed from my fingers – so I had to write it. Remember, I’m a bit delusional this afternoon…

10 responses to Ella Update – 36 hours-ish

  1. Congratulations Jessica and Stevan!!!
    I am so happy for you! Your lives will be forever changed!! What a blessing little Ella will be to you!! She is beautiful!
    I hope You are doing well Jessica. I am sure you will be glad to get home.Take care and get plenty of rest for a while. Can’t wait to see Ella and hold her.
    God bless you,
    Aunt Cindy

  2. I am on my way Ella! Actually, we are on our way … Grandparent Sheets!

    Love you, love you, love you so MUCH!

  3. Wow.
    Stev, this is just…amazing.
    I’d come by and say hello, but I’d much rather wait until a much calmer time.
    But, believe me, I will be by sometime in the next week or so.

    I love you all, so very much.
    I’ll see you when you get back to church, dad.

  4. I have been looking at your photos. Oh Stevan, how thankful I am for cameras and internet resources that make it possible for me to peek in on the miraculous events surrounding you in the last several days. Thank you for understanding that each of us, I am sure, was waiting with baited breath for the photos.
    CONGRATULATIONS !!!! And we Praise God for answered prayers!!! Sending our love and huge, warm hugs.

  5. Mom Garrett/ Grandma Garrett 4.25.2006 at 5:54 pm

    Love and kisses to you Ella! Grandpa Garrett and I have been trying to print off pictures of you from your daddy’s portfolio, but our printer is “OUT OF INK” too! We are going to make a quick dash somewhere so we can fix that problem. We are showing everyone we see your pictures….. We love you- we love you-we love you etc…..

  6. tim,deb garrett and kids 4.25.2006 at 5:56 pm

    Stev, Jess and Ella,


    What a blessing. Your lives will be changed forever. Get SOME sleep tonight. Tomorrow night…. well get use to late night infomercials. God Bless you all.

    The Garrett’s


    Ella is adorable! I wish I could see her in person! Your new addition is in my prayers including both of you! I hope everything’s going great! I love you guys!

    -Cal tech

  8. Uncle Matt & Aunt Melanie 4.25.2006 at 7:32 pm

    What a bright-eyed little cutie! We will be praying for you all during this life changing transition. Remember to get rest when you can because Sweet Little Ella will rule the roost for a little while! We’ll come to see you when you all have had a chance to settle in and Jessica has had some healing time. We love you! Congratulations!

    Uncle Matt and Aunt Melanie

  9. She’s so gorgeous.
    being in the room with you guys. as parents, and with that baby girl.
    the look in your eyes when you’re looking at her…just, wow.

    i love you guys.

  10. Kevin Lilly 4.25.2006 at 10:50 pm

    Stevan and Jess,

    Congrats! I was so excited to hear the news this morning (Tues.) What a beautiful & precious gift from the Lord!! Praying for you guys.

    “Kev the Rev”

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