“I have so much work to do…”

8.18.2011 — 9 Comments

I woke up this morning with that feeling – the one about the task-list in front of me and the knowledge that there are already not enough hours today for me to accomplish what I need to to feel good about the upcoming weekend…

I had plans to hide-out at the local coffeehouse (my usual Thursday tradition) and get some sermon-writing knocked out. That changed first thing this morning when I participated in some manual-labor at the church to get our telephone-pole cross installed next to our pavilion. I was too hot and messy to feel like heading to the coffeehouse, so I settled into my office to try and “get work done”.

Just before lunch time, Jess video-called me and I was met with the tear-filled face of my lovely daughter, Ella, who instantly exclaimed, “I miss you, Daddy!” followed my another onslaught of tears. I attempted funny faces, funny voices, and “I miss you too,” but she wasn’t buying it… It took me all of 30-seconds to realize my daughter needed me (and I needed her) so I offered to take her out to lunch for some Daddy/Daughter time.

As I grabbed my wallet and keys I looked back at my desk and was almost overwhelmed, again, at the “pile” before me, but knew that the 5-year-old pile waiting for me at home was MUCH more important to me!

When I picked her up she was ecstatic to spend time with just me. She did agree to “share me” with a quick hospital visit and then we sat down for a Wendy’s Kids Meal and talked. And chewed. And talked.

We didn’t solve the world’s problems. We didn’t sort out the “why did you miss Daddy so much today?” issues completely, but I sure had a blast enjoying a sandwich across from my favorite 5-year old in this entire world.

I’m back in my office now. I’m experiencing sermon-writer’s-block and I can see the hours counting down before my next need-to-be-there appointment, and yet I have a heart-full of satisfaction that I chose correctly this afternoon!

A minute and a half of our lunch:

9 responses to “I have so much work to do…”

  1. Stevan,
    Thanks for sharing this. I loved this story and was seriously moved by your decision today. I know it may seem like a little thing but it shows your dedication to your family and your “Godlikeness” by choosing Love over work.
    Great job man! You made the perfect choice.

    Ella & Ezra are lucky.

    • Wow, thanks Erik!

      • Tim Timmons 8.18.2011 at 5:10 pm

        You don’t know me, I’m Erik’s Dad in Indiana. Thank you for doing the right thing today. As Erik can testify I haven’t always done that along the way and the regrets I sometimes feel are crushing sometimes. Time is a gift God only gives us to use once and the wisdom to use it for Love is some thing he wants us to learn from Jesus’ example. The trick is learning it early. Sounds like you have and I think Erik has too. At least much better than I did. I am hoping I helped teach him that in some way. God Bless you and your family!

        • Stevan, sorry for the family references on your blog but I had to respond to my amazing dad. :-)

          Your example made me who I am today (& I’d say that’s pretty good) and it was a great example. Thanks for always being honest with me and being an example of love and grace for other people. I love you, now buy some plane tickets and come see us! :-). Love you pops.


  2. I fought back tears instantly when you suggested a lunch date to our weepy child. She needed you. YOU are an amazing Daddy, Babe! Ella and Ezra KNOW they are loved and that’s why they miss you SO MUCH when you are gone. I am confident that our children’s view of their Heavenly Father has been strengthened because of your example to them of what a Father’s love is. You stopped working for lunch, but you still did ministry today. You ministered to your very own daughter.

    Sidenote: How did we get such an amazingly, beautiful daughter? Even with her goofy face expressions, I couldn’t help but notice her innocent beauty as she took 18 minutes to eat a french fry! :-)

  3. Ah Stevan, you are such a great daddy and I have this feeling that God is going to give you an awesome sermon for Sunday just because of your desire to be the best daddy and your desire to serve the Lord with all you have. It makes this mom-in-law/grandma weep with tears of joy knowing that Ella and Ezra are growing up with such love from their daddy. Like Jessica said, you are giving them such a wonderful picture of their Heavenly Father’s love. It’s hard to imagine that God loves even stronger than that!

    Love you all four,
    MOM G.

  4. Gramma/Mom/Sally 8.18.2011 at 9:53 pm

    Thank you Stevan son, thank you! Ella will always be so thankful! I am so proud of you!

    Love you much!

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