Ella filmed our latest Sky Lantern launch

4.22.2011 — 3 Comments

I gave Ella the video camera to capture our evening Sky Lantern launch. I’m pretty impressed with how well she framed things for the most part. Not bad for a 5-year-old!

What she misses in videographing she more-than makes up for in her voice-over dialog! I am a blessed Daddy! (You’ll know what I mean when you hear her tenderly-exclaimed warning, “be careful Daddy!”)

Note to self: give Ella the video camera more often!

3 responses to Ella filmed our latest Sky Lantern launch

  1. GREAT job Ella Bella!!! Good commentary too!!! Good keep of it captured and recaught too!! Impressive! Love ya! Gramma and PapPaw Sheets

  2. Oh my goodness Ella! You did a wonderful job in videoing and talking us through the Sky Lantern launch! You did that as well as a grown-up! You must video daddy doing more things like this again for us. You are such a very special sweetie pie to me and Papaw.

    We Love YOU!!!


    Ella is hired!

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