The Faith of our 4-Year-Old

1.30.2011 — 4 Comments

I have to share something that happened this morning in our worship service. During our prayer time, we had two people who we were anointing with oil. One was a man and the other a woman. I asked a few men to surround the man and we prayed for his upcoming surgery and then he and the men sat down. When I asked the lady to come forward, I also asked for a few women to come forward and lay hands on the woman who is battling cancer. When I made the “ask” for ladies, Jess came forward and right behind her was Ella, our 4-year-old!

I was super-impressed that my awesome daughter was willing to come forward during the time of prayer and it was nearly an hour after service that my wife told me that not only did Ella come forward with her, but she ASKED to come forward AND she didn’t just stand there – she laid HER hands on this cancer-battling-lady as we prayed for her! How cool is THAT?!

I am so thankful for my wonderful family – and more-importantly, that the Lord is already working on-and-through my little girl!

4 responses to The Faith of our 4-Year-Old

  1. OH she is a tender, sensitive girl who already does love Jesus!

  2. Oh that made me cry! I’ve always said she was a little angel in disguise! Her little heart is so sweet and so open to the Lord. It is awesome how God is already using her and her tender and compassionate heart. oh I wish I could come over tonight and give her a great big hug.

    She has a wonderful mommy and daddy who live out the love of God and for others and are teaching her by example how much they love Jesus.

    MOM G/Grandma Lee Ann

  3. She has lots of wonderful examples of faithful people in her life. I am sure that Great-Great-Grandma Dillon was beaming as she watched this sweet little girl go forward to pray with this lady. I know that I thank the Lord for the wonderful heritage of faith that flows through our family.

    Love to all, Aunt Jean

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  1. Tweets that mention The Faith of our 4-Year-Old | STEVANSHEETS.COM -- - 1.30.2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stevan Sheets, jsheets. jsheets said: RT @navets: Ella (4yo) joined… as they laid hands on and prayed for one our cancer-battling church members this AM […]

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