The Art Commandments by Rob Lacey

12.11.2009 — 1 Comment

My artistic friends will get these:


1 I’m God – the source of your oozing talent
2 No idols – Heroes, yes; mentors, yes; but no idols
3 Blasphemy – ”mediocrity is blasphemous” – Steve Stickley
4 Rest day – call it ‘incubation’, ‘gestation’, ‘creative idleness’ whatever, re-creation comes after/before creation
5 Respect your parents – honour your heritage. new doesn’t always=better
6 Adultery – don’t use your celebrity for your own ends.
7 Murder – Art inspires life, cynicism kills
8 Theft – quote your sources (see 3)
9 Lies – audiences want truth not tricks. be.
10 Jealousy – How do you react to greatness?

from here.

One response to The Art Commandments by Rob Lacey

  1. Steve Stickley 2.7.2010 at 8:01 am

    Hi there! How about changing ‘hero’s’ to ‘heroes’? Rob was always committed to excellence. Is bad spelling mediocre? :–)

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