
10.23.2009 — 5 Comments


Last weekend was extremely busy. My Uncle David and Aunt Bea came to town on Friday night and on Saturday, Uncle David and a team from McLean Bible Church helped lead a few songs at the Tomajko Memorial Service. Uncle David and the team also stuck around Sunday morning to lead worship in both of our worship services, too! Sunday evening we had our monthly SNAC and I enjoyed playing basketball with some of our students until late. Monday was my day off and I knew I was beginning to get a cold, so I literally laid around all day. On Tuesday I had a full day in the office and then an evening meeting training some volunteers in the world of hospital visitation. By the end of that meeting, I was ready to collapse. I came home and set up my “sick bed” in the living room.

I stayed home all day Wednesday with a 102+ fever and saw the doctor on Thursday morning. My doctor gave me a ZPack antibiotic and swabbed my nose to see if I have the Flu. I’ll find out hopefully tomorrow. She also said I have an upper respiratory infection and bronchitis. Two of my favorites.

Today I have been fever-free, but I feel as though I’m breathing from the bottom of a swimming pool. I also sound as though I have a smoking habit I’ve been trying to hide. I don’t.

Jess has been incredible during this whole thing. Bless her heart, she has put up with my lack of ability to do much of anything and still keeps both kids fed and clean! I am so thankful that Jess doesn’t get sick like this – I doubt if I could keep up with things like she does!!

5 responses to Sick!

  1. Dad G. and I are continuing to pray for you to get back to 100% good health.

    We love ya and the other darlings living in your house too!
    MOM G.

  2. Hey Stevan, did you ever get the results from your doctor from the flu test they took?

  3. no results yet, Mom G. Just this morning, however, I am actually feeling BETTER! haven’t been able to say that yet until today! Praise the Lord!

  4. Aunt Jean Bell 10.25.2009 at 8:23 pm

    PTL. You are better.

  5. chris atkins 10.26.2009 at 3:50 pm


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