Cloversites Google Calendar Integration

10.14.2009 — 8 Comments

Our church has a Clover Site website. ( It’s beautiful, it’s functional, but it doesn’t do EVERYTHING I want it to… I’ve e-mailed them suggestions but it seems like they’re pretty set on keeping things the way they are when it comes to changing some of “the way things work”. I’m okay with that, just makes me search harder for solutions to issues I come up against.

Speaking of issues. I recently switched from being a strict MS Outlook-guy to a strictly Google-guy. I ONLY use Google for my e-mail and ONLY use Google for my calendars. Kind of nice to have made that switch just weeks before owning a phone that works very nicely with Google’s e-mail/contacts/calendars, by the way.

Anyhow, Cloversites doesn’t play nice (or at all) with Google’s Calendars App. They have their OWN calendar built-in that apparently they offer to those who may not even know what Google is, I guess. I asked Clover about integrating the two and they said, “Sure! Just point a link to your Google Calendar.” Not the response I was hoping for, but a solution we are using nonetheless.

The problem, however, was that I pointed our “link” to a public-version of our church calendar that showed strictly church-events, but I also have another calendar for our youth-events, and imagine having other calendars in the future that show other ministry-events that don’t necessarily need to be listed on just the main church-calendar. So, our link ONLY showed our church-events, NONE of our youth events. This bummed me out, but I didn’t have a solution.

Until today.

Today I stumbled upon someone else with the same problem and they had a solution!! Hurray. Here’s the site that I digested and solved our church calendar issue – Now our calendar page on is a link to a calendar that lists BOTH our whole-church calendar AND our youth-events calendar! (now if I could just make them show up as different colors…)

8 responses to Cloversites Google Calendar Integration

  1. Harvest is looking to transfer to Clover. Any hesitations or “must-know” before we do anything?

  2. Hi, I’d really like to chat with you sometime about the switch to google. I’m currently using outlook and our children s pastor has encouraged me to switch over to google. But you know how hard it is to teach an old dog a new trick.Congratulations on your first year at the church, we miss you in IN North…..Brian

  3. I’m really looking forward to the January-ish launch of Clover 2.0 – it sounds amazing and 100x better (for the same price)! I think these guys are/will be the best affordable church websites out there. Very impressed!


  4. I know that I’m late to the conversation, but you guys might consider as a possible solution to communicating your upcoming events to your congregation.

    We just started with them and we LOVE where it’s going.

    Our site is Under NEWS & EVENTS we link to our SmartEvents site so people can browse/sign up for events there. You can also go directly to the page at

  5. I literally just emailed clover to find out if we can import google calendar into our new clover site! Then I decided to google, “can I use google calendar on my clover site’ and your post came up!! Thank you for sharing this. It will be a huge help!

  6. I just realized you posted this 3 yrs ago! Holy moly, sure glad that we’re getting our church into this century!

  7. Heather Santi-Brown 6.2.2015 at 5:24 pm

    This is helpful and encouraging, but i cannot find any instructions on how to point to the Google link other than creating a linked picture for someone to click on. Do I take that iframe code and simply put it in a text box for it to show up like it does on your church’s website? Thanks!

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