Palm Pre (more thoughts)

10.11.2009 — 2 Comments

palm-preIt’s been two-weeks now that I’ve been rocking my new Palm Pre phone. It’s been two-weeks of ups and downs, two weeks of loving the phone and hating the phone.

Some more thoughts on the Pre for those who are interested:

1. Battery life is STILL my nemesis. If I’m in the office all day, by the time I get home I have to put the phone on the charger if I want to use my phone at all in the evening. This is depressing especially when my old phone could go at least a day-or-two without a charge even with a lot of use.

2. The “Touchstone Charger” that I bought with the phone promises “cord free charging” – the technology is incredible, to be able to place my phone on the Touchstone (that’s plugged in) and it auto-magically charges the phone via some “inductive method” that makes me feel all futuristic. Sadly, this only sometimes works. I can charge the phone on the Touchstone for a bit and then my phone goes a bit nutty and charging turns off and on, off and on – which is especially annoying at 3AM when I’m trying to sleep. I will be asking for a refund on the Touchstone, or a replacement when my Sprint-guy returns from his vacation this week.

3. With the finicky-ness of the Touchstone and the need to charge my phone during the day if I want to use it in the evening, I recently purchased another “micro-usb” cord on eBay and will keep that one at the office for charging and syncing the phone.

4. Palm’s attempts at making the Pre compatible with iTunes even since I’ve owned the phone has been on-again, off-again. They now claim that it does sync with iTunes, but I’ve yet to figure out exactly how.

5. The online App Store has continued to grow over the past two weeks, but I’m still not overwhelmingly impressed. As opposed to Apple’s App Store, MOST of the Pre-apps cost money, only a select few are actually FREE. I haven’t purchased any apps for the phone yet.

6. My phone does some weird-things when the battery gets too low. For one, my screen doesn’t come back on after a phone call, so I can’t exactly hang-up. That’s pretty annoying.

7. A positive – I still LOVE having all my Gmail and Facebook contacts synced with my phone. And the intuitive WebOS software knows to combine “Sher Sheets” my Gmail contact with “Sherilyn Sheets” my Facebook contact. Productivity genius.

8. Another positive – I have been using Amazon’s MP3 store for some time because of the better-pricing that they have versus iTunes. The Palm Pre has the Amazon MP3 store built-in as a standard-app. I have downloaded a few FREE mp3s from Amazon and have already used my phone in my truck plugged in via the 1/8″ headphone-jack cord. This is convenient, though I don’t think I’ll be getting rid of my iPod Touch anytime soon like I originally thought.

9. Some other people are frustrated with the glitches and failings of the Pre, too:

2 responses to Palm Pre (more thoughts)

  1. Hey primo. Sorry I’m just now commenting on this 3-week-old post. I’ve been thinking about your emphasis on cheaper (legal) mp3 downloads. Has anyone introduced you to yet? Anything specific about it that turns you off? When I find “War Child” (for example) on your site, emusic is my next stop on the highway. FYI.

  2. Hettle Kackenbacker 11.6.2009 at 7:49 pm

    Invest in an iphone…ahh much better.

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