VBS Sunday

8.2.2009 — 3 Comments

Today we officially “ended” our VBS week (program ended Friday night) with a “review” of some of the themes and songs from the week by having the children present in our morning services come up on stage and “teach” the songs to our people. This is one of the first times that I truly understand the importance and excitement of seeing your children on stage at church! I captured Ella singing the two songs:

3 responses to VBS Sunday

  1. Loved them! Very cute. We did Croc Doc and the kids loved it!

  2. Thank you for these ‘OH SO PRECIOUS’ captured moments of Ella joyfully/enthusiastically singing songs expressing her love for God in her toddler budding stage!“She LOVES to hear music and to sing/express herself musically!! And WE(Pappaw and Gramma)LOVE to and thrill in watching her!!

    Watching these makes my day a blessed one!!

    Thank YOU!


  3. Mom Garrett/ Grandma LeeAnn 8.5.2009 at 5:56 pm

    YEAHhhhhh!!! Thank you for more videos of VBS. Ella is totally enjoyed herself at Bible School. No wonder the Lord loves the little children so much!!! Makes my heart just burst with joy.

    So the 2nd song/video about “no fear”, must be the song Jessica said Ella keeps singing around the house! What a great song for her to remember so well.

    Love from Mom/Grandma G.

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