A Glimpse at Ezra’s Breathing

5.29.2009 — 2 Comments

Here is a quick clip of Ezra from early this afternoon. You can see a bit of his labored breathing in this clip. Keep on praying for our little boy!

In the background you are hearing my mother carrying on a conversation with Ezra’s nurse about her son’s (me!) breathing problems following his (mine!) c-section birth.

2 responses to A Glimpse at Ezra’s Breathing

  1. Christine Hombarger 5.30.2009 at 9:52 am

    Continued prayer to all from Spartanburg. He is just a beautiful baby! Thanks for the updates.

  2. bethany hall 5.30.2009 at 3:02 pm

    The live stream was sooo cool! Loved seeing you! Sorry I couldn’t spell ANYTHING:) love you all!

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