It’s All Fun & Games Until Someone Loses an Eye

5.5.2009 — 14 Comments

Forgive me for posting this (and for asking you to spend the next 8-minutes of your day watching this):

14 responses to It’s All Fun & Games Until Someone Loses an Eye


  2. Not right Stevan,not right at all!

  3. Wow. Wasn’t expecting that.

  4. Barack Obama 5.5.2009 at 10:39 pm

    Yes we can

  5. Is it wrong that I laughed?

  6. Stevan….


    laughed my head off!!!!

  7. You owe me 8 minutes.

  8. You reap what you sow.

  9. your out of control!!

  10. Hilary Duff 5.6.2009 at 11:15 am

    Jinkies Stevan!

  11. I hate you.

  12. unbelievable.
    you are cruel.
    i sure did laugh/throw up though!

  13. I knew better but I did it anyways…

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