Day Away: Johnstown, PA

3.9.2009 — 3 Comments

My mother turned ## years-old yesterday, so today we met her and my father in Johnstown, PA for a day-of-adventure.

Mom and Dad got a late-start, so Jess, Ella and I enjoyed a quick-visit to the Inclined Plane of Johnstown – a literal people-mover that was built back in the late 1800’s. It is famed as the world’s steepest inclined plane and proved to be well-worth the visit. We had great conversation with the folks at the top of the hill who told us interesting facts about the plane as well as sold us worthless treasures from the gift shop!

Mom and Dad arrived after 2PM and we headed over to the Johnstown Flood Museum for a tour. Some amazing photographs and a LOT of reading proved interesting, but not overwhelmingly awesome like I was hoping.

Our museum admission also paid for admission to the Johnstown Heritage Center where each of us was given an identity of a different immigrant that came to the area in the 1800’s. We walked through the center as that immigrant and learned what it would’ve been like to walk in their shoes, get their job, and live their life. It was interesting, but a little out-dated technology-wise. I couldn’t bring myself to pick up the telephone headset that thousands of others had already put to their ear and face before me, thankyouverymuch.

After our two museum-visits, we finished the evening with dinner at Red Lobster to celebrate my mom’s ##th birthday. We are so blessed to be within 3-hours of them!

Special note: our Pontiac Montana hit the 100,000-mile mark tonight! I meant to capture the moment on digital-film, but must’ve slipped into a driving-coma and missed it.

Pictures from the day are here.

3 responses to Day Away: Johnstown, PA

  1. that people mover video thing is cool! I wonder if it has ever broke and free falled?

  2. Wow!!!! I hate heights but that would have been fun. Ella sure is growing and changing. We are thinking about coming your way. We have friends who are with Wycliffe north of Pittsburgh and another couple in Pittsburgh we would like to see. So 3 great reasons to come!!!

  3. Mom Garrett/ Mamaw LeeAnn 3.10.2009 at 10:57 pm

    Glad you had a great day together with your mom and dad. Happy Birthday to Sally!!

    Ella was talking away in that video. Even her vocabulary is sounding like she is so much older. I think she was excited to ride this also.

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