MOVIE REVIEW: “The Tale of Despereaux” (G)

1.2.2009 — 4 Comments

todAs a part of our Christmas-as-a-family celebration we decided to venture out and see a movie. Not a big deal, usually, but this was our two year old’s FIRST at-the-theater movie-going experience.

She loved it and did extremely well!

The Tale of Despereaux is a movie based on the children’s book of the same title. It’s a great story about a brave mouse, a rat with a change of heart, a royal family, and a peasant girl and her estranged father.

The animation was top-notch and the voices were well-fitting each character. It was easy to enjoy this animated feature as a family, too. The G-rating held true for this film. Ella didn’t seem to mind the “rat city” darkness and literal disgust. There were also some tame sword fights that fit the elements of the movie quite well.

My favorite parts included the scenes of “ratworld” and “mouseworld” – scenes of human trash being made into homes for the small creatures have always fascinated me for some reason.

Ella now calls herself “Despereaux” from time to time except for the times she says, “What’s the little mouse’s name?”

French can be so difficult for an almost 3-year-old, I guess.

4/5 stars from me.

4 responses to MOVIE REVIEW: “The Tale of Despereaux” (G)

  1. Grandma Sally Sheets (aka-“Mom”) 1.3.2009 at 2:03 pm

    Hugs, kisses and love to our own little Despereaux! Would have LOVED to experience her first theater experience with you all! I am sure she was amazed and glued!

  2. I agree! It was quite good. The book was written by the same author as “Because of Wynn Dixie” if any of you read that book or saw the movie. Stevan and I are reading “The Tale of Despereaux” now, so if you are familiar with the actual book, know that some of the ‘more appropriate for a third or fourth grader’ content has been watered down so that little ones can appreciate it too. As always, if you have a child of those grades, read the book first to compare and contrast when the movie is over.

  3. Mom Garrett/ Mamaw LeeAnn 1.4.2009 at 12:22 am

    Amazing that Ella, only being 2 1/2 years of age, has such a long attention span to sit through the entire movie! Ofcourse we already know that she is a genius!!!

    Love you all “four”,

    MOM / Mamaw LeeAnn

  4. We went today with the family to see Desperaux. I give it a 5 out of 5. Best family film I have ever seen. I absolutely loved the story. I think the soup chef’s onions were a little strong at parts in the movie. Definite MUST see.

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