It’s cold!

12.22.2008 — 4 Comments

What an ordeal!
Last night before SNAC (Sunday Night After Church) it was getting kind of chilly downstairs in our house. I didn’t think much about the why – especially when the crowd arrived and our house quickly regained its heat by body temperatures filling the place!
We went to bed without concern but when I heard Ella this morning at 6:30 I quickly realized something was wrong. I glanced at my alarm clock that has a built-in thermometer and read “57-degrees”.
I figured Jess must’ve turned off the programmed settings on the thermostat or something. I went downstairs and found the furnace “ON”, but not hot.
It wasn’t until after 2PM this afternoon that a service guy showed up and told us that we had a cracked heat-exchange and that it would need to be replaced.
We were also told that it probably couldn’t happen today.
I failed to mention that it’s been in the single-digits and low 10’s all day outside, so you can imagine the comfort level inside isn’t very comfortable.
Looks like we have a guy coming out tomorrow to replace the part and get us back to normal. In the meantime, Pastor Tim had an “emergency-use” Kerosene heater in his garage that he’s letting us borrow for now. We’ll try and get the house ROASTING with the kerosene heater before bed and then wrap up with lots ‘o layers as best we can after turning the heater off before we sleep.
If I wake up with a slushy (read: frozen boogers) in my nose tomorrow I will probably cry.

4 responses to It’s cold!

  1. Ummm – could have left out the frozen boogers part…

  2. boogers, but there was black stuff in my nose when I blew it this morning. Looked like soot. Can that happen with kerosene?

  3. Momma Sweeny 12.23.2008 at 4:08 pm

    Did the detector pick up anything and did you go get checked anyways?????
    I’m sure you guys have googled it too!!
    LOVe ya, and please let us know whens things are up and running and that everyone is ok.

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  1. Jessica Sheets » Blog Archive » The Heater is Broken! Day 2 - 12.23.2008

    […] Stevan updates here so you don’t have to read it all again! It’s hard not to be paranoid about having a 2 and 1/2 year old and being pregnant in a house without heat. OH, and the repair guy asked if we had any symptoms relating to carbon monoxide poisoning, too! Apparently, the heater was just blowing carbon monoxide when it quit working, but who knows if it went for very long that way. Stevan went and bought a detector for my peace of mind. I’ve had headaches for over a week, but I am pregnant so maybe it isn’t related. A friend mentioned that Ella would have the symptoms first because she’s so much smaller and her lungs are smaller. I hope that’s true because I feel like I’ve had some of the symptoms and Stevan has had one or two, as well. Though, maybe stress is causing it all? Ok, enough blabbering. We are warmer than yesterday thanks to Pastor Tim’s emergency kerosene heater, so other than the fumes (which are heightened with my pregnancy), we are warm and fine. Just pray the guy repairs things today well and efficiently. […]

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