Interpret my dream!

11.17.2008 — 16 Comments

This should be interesting/fun!

I just woke up about 17-minutes ago and I can’t shake the dream I was having.

I’d love to know what YOU think my dream means, so post your thoughts (even if your thoughts include ideas of me seeking professional help) in the comments and lets see what you all can come up with!

Here’s the dream as best as I can remember:

I was the passenger in a car traveling with an unknown male friend. I know that we were headed out to go hunting. I believe we were in Pennsylvania somewhere. I am fairly sure we were planning on going small-game hunting.

We pulled off the road in our vehicle and began to travel through windshield-high grass and I spotted a deer directly in front of our vehicle. My driver did swerve to miss the deer and we continued driving through this field.

We came to a clearing of sorts and drove into an open area where the field had been harvested and we instantly noticed close to a hundred deer scattered throughout the field. They were running and jumping – looked like they were playing out in the field.

We were both instantly disappointed – knowing that we merely had bird-shot in our shot guns and a small-game-ready .22 rifle. We did mention that we should definitely come back here for deer hunting, but suddenly the deer in the field came into better view.

My dream takes a turn for the weird here:

The deer in the field were actually Amish men. As we looked closer the Amish men were all playing in this huge field – they were playing some sort of game with the largest field-potatoes I had ever imagined. They were throwing one-or-more of them at each other and then chasing down the one who had the large potato and tackling him to the ground.

We approached cautiously and got out of the vehicle.

We watched this odd game and the Amish tackling each other in great wonderment.

One of the younger Amish men was getting frustrated with the two of us watching them and their game and came closer to us. He had a balsa-wood toy airplane in his hand and he threw it in the air. He threw it badly. It crashed. We laughed.

Then I woke up.

Possible reasons for such a dream:
1. I had leftover chicken enchiladas around 9PM last night.
2. We watched The Hulk on DVD and The Unit on TV before bed.
3. I drank a half-glass of orange kool-aid about an hour and a half before bed.
4. I have an incredible brain full of stuff like this just waiting to come out!

Okay, now here’s your chance. Interpret!

16 responses to Interpret my dream!

  1. Hahaha! I love dreams like this. So random.

    My guesses?

    1. Your subconscious is REALLY wanting to become an Amish “smear the queer”* champion.


    2. Yeah, your stomach must have been paying you back for those before-sleep “snacks”. :)

    * NOTE: I don’t want to bring up any racial or social issues on what is a light-hearted post, so from the pages of

    “The use of the word “queer” is not homophobic in this game. It’s used as catchy name to describe the game. The “queer” in this sense is just the kid who’s it. Because it’s completely voluntary to be the “queer”, and being the “queer” requires a certain amount of bravery, it is not used in the derogatory in this this particular usage.”


  2. It’s quite clear. You need to become a Steelers fan. Doesn’t everyone see that ?

    You first saw the deer as something to be conquered (the other team), but obviously your ammunition (allegiance to the Colts) was inadequate. Then you realized that they were actually football players (potato). The young Amish fellow (a local boy) is representative of members of the youth group expressing their frustration at your allegiance to anything other than the Steelers. The balsa wood airplane was just a symbol of a teenagers difficulty/failure in expressing themselves to adults (bad throw/ crash).
    Your laughing at the “crash” is how adults have a way of “laughing off” our frustration at not always comprehending our teens. Just ask Pastor Tim. He has this same dream, (Eagles fan) but neglected to seek interpretation. As a result, he is still an unrepentant Eagles fan !! But at least there is hope for you !! LOL !!

  3. I kind of agree with Aaron – You want to become Amish and play with large potatoes.

  4. um… were these amish deer men something like the characters on The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe or did the deer just morph into complete men? I love the detail of the “balsawood” toy airplane… what?!?! I say lay off the Kool-aid, my friend. Maybe you are to be a “hunter of men” instead of a fisher and I am not thinking that I personally want to be hunted… and bird-shot will just sting like paintball. Glad I live many states away from your hunting game… and good thing I’m not an amish man-deer!

  5. Rich (Bro In Law) 11.17.2008 at 11:06 am

    I think your dream is profound and has considerable meaning. I will pray and contemplate on this and then likely call, or write more in depth directly to you. Sometimes we forget that we have a God talking to us all the time, trying to communicate with is all the time. Sometimes I wonder how much his children miss because we get too busy, or believe the world when they tell us we are silly…

  6. stevan i think this is God’s way of telling you to stop smoking crack.

  7. Cousin Brittany 11.17.2008 at 1:35 pm

    i agree with freak!!! hahaha!

  8. You obviously miss Indiana. I could totally win that game.

  9. Dad Garrett 11.17.2008 at 8:13 pm

    I think that your dream may be very profound.

    Even though I agree with the above writer that the Steelers do play football like Amish men play with potatoes, I think the application goes far deeper.

    I believe that this dream is a warning about the dangers of making assumptions. By assuming that you would find small game, you made no contingency plan. When it became evident that your assumption was inadequate for the truth you encoountered, God was then able to lead you into a deeper truth.

    When we live our lives in assumption, we miss the people He puts in our path. Every dream that was interpreted in the Bible eventually affected nations. God doesn’t call us to be hunters, he calls us to be harvesters.

    The recent election outcome, the current economic crisis, even 30-year mortgages reflect a nation that lives on assumption, rather than truth.

    This may not be the interpretation, but it is an application.

    I love you for your sensitivity and for your bravery to share this online.

    Dad G

  10. I know the meaning!! For sure I can decipher the entire thing for you…

    but first, you must mail me your iTouch your getting for free, then I will tell you.

  11. First off, you’ve obviously been consumed with reading my tweets about hunting the past couple months.

    Second, you learned a valuable lesson in a dream instead of in person that you never go small game hunting during deer (or Amish men) season.

    Third, the fact that the deer were amish men as opposed to non-amish signifies how truly “wild at heart” the amish are failing to abide by our technological advances in society.

    Fourth, That’s what you get for combining kool-aid and enchiladas before you go to bed. Lesson learned: Mexican + sugar and fruity flavors combined = dreams that involve wild animals/men, ill preparedness in the woods, and smear the queer.

  12. Hey Stevan- I stumbled onto your site tonight (through Eric Ebbinghaus’ site), and thought I’d take a stab at this. I’ll just say whatever has come to mind. I did pray before reading the dream- like Daniel said, right interpretation belongs to God- so check anything I say with what the Lord’s already been saying to you.

    Are you on the edge of some unknowns right now? I think the deer represent some “impossible” dreams – but, probably these are very tangible opportunities in your life right now. These opportunities are likely startling and even frightening because you feel unprepared for them. Still, something in you says that these opportunities are what you were meant for… when you’ve prepared for small game and carried bird-shot, God has brought right into your path the deer that you’ve so long dreamed for- and more deer than you ever imagined. The opportunity is so incredibly tangible, but you feel inadequate. And when you look closer at these opportunities, you realize that they look very different from what you expected. You didn’t plan it out like THIS. It all looks a little strange, competitive, and unpredictable. Those things could intimidate you and abort this opportunity before you even step into it. But, God is calling you to walk by faith into the dreams He has been dreaming with you. Understand that you are utterly inadequate. The things you hold in your hands, and even your understanding, will not be enough to sustain you in this venture. So, learn to be utterly dependent on the Father. Plug into the vine (John15) and let Him be your strength to do all that is needed. If you walk into these opportunities thinking you can do it, you will fall flat on your face. If you do, don’t give in to the intimidation and lies that the enemy will bombard you with. Our Father will be there to help you up! But rather than fall, embrace your lowly bird-shot, and call out to the master hunter!

    But, go for it, Stevan. He created you for this crazy moment. :)

  13. ok i suddenly feel like a jerk for my comment earlier! some friends of yours and my papa have some great potential insight! but just in case there might have been some crack involved… i still recommend kicking the habit :)

  14. Cousin Brittany 11.18.2008 at 3:31 pm

    i keep my comment as previously stated. lol :)

  15. You even THINK about changing your football allegiance because of some silly dream and I’ll show you what Amish men throwing potatoes really means.

  16. I just had a dream yesterday that has political connotations and this is how I ended up on your site. I was looking for someone to talk to about my dream. Anyway, my best interpretetion of your dream begins with you not being led astray by every wind/idea and stranger that comes along. Seems that you were searching for one thing (the TRUTH)and all of the things that stood in the way of you seeing clearly were finally moved out of the way. Sometimes it takes the foolish things to confound the wise know-it-alls/the intellectuals. Now you see clearly. They weren’t harmless deer playing games but men playing games with a purpose. By choice, they were unemcumbered with the cares and technological advances of this world. You thought they looked and were foolish but they wanted you out of the way. You were a passenger in the car which means you were not in charge of your own destiny although you referred to the stranger as “your” driver. Pennsylvania (Dutch) is Amish country and they probably do play a game with potatoes during times of harvest – if they grow potatoes. But just because people do something different, something that you are not used to seeing, does not give you the right to judge them and think that you are better. You later realized, that you were mistaken thinking you wanted to remember that location so that you could come back and kill them later because now you see that they were not animals but human beings Made in the image of God, just like you. Be careful of who you laugh at, they may fly upon you swiftly and the end result won’t be so funny.

    The more I wrote, the more this dream seemed like a warning and instruction. Is that any thing like your life and what you were feeling when you had this dream last year? Today is May 10, 2009 @ 0418 AM. May God continue to speak to you thru dreams. The Bible says in the last days He will pour out of His spirit upon all flesh and … you will dream dreams. May God give you clear understanding and interpretation of your own dreams or lead you to proper counselors for interpretation.

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