First full day in New Stanton

10.11.2008 — 4 Comments

Almost 20-men, women, and teens showed up at our new house this morning. Thankfully we set an alarm, got up and took showers before they got here!

What a team! We had the truck unloaded in less than an hour and began the task of unpacking what we had just packed into boxes days ago!

As I look around the living room I see lots of unopened boxes and lots of opened boxes – our lives are in that “in-between” stage of packed and unpacked. We continually wonder where certain things are here in the house. Thankfully we know where the underwear, deodorant, and soaps are!

First Sunday at Armbrust tomorrow. Lots of new faces for us to run through our in-brain database and do our best to put names with faces. We’ve tried all those mental tricks before but nothing seems to work as well as just asking people to put name tags on their foreheads for a week-or-two. Seriously considering that for our first youth group nights!

My parents were with us here since last night – helping as only parents can do! Dad was my “no questions asked” help and Mom got to play Ella-sitter for most of the morning and into the afternoon – a task she enjoyed thoroughly. From what we heard about their trip home they are about 3.5-hours from us!

We continue thank the Lord for how He has provided through this transition!

4 responses to First full day in New Stanton

  1. Momma Sweeny 10.11.2008 at 8:27 pm

    Yeah!! Thought of you guys often!!
    Love you so very much!!

  2. Grandma Sally Sheets (aka-“Mom”) 10.12.2008 at 4:12 pm

    We are so thankful for your arrival safely to PA too! we were so excited to be welcoming you three to your new home! A lovely home!

    Thanks to your two dear friends from Warsaw for their welcomed help to you in loading UP! Mr French, I must tell you, ella told on her Daddy, she told me Saturday morning in our one on one conversation, that her Daddy cried! Then she told me that her Mommy cried too…they both had no idea what she was referring to when I told them what she told me!! Maybe you saw something they forgtot about?! I figured that Ella was telling me something true since moving CERTAINLY gives gREAT STRESS and a cry is often relief in the situation!!

    I loved talking care of Ella! She had some precious deep giggles as I acted silly with her…gotta love it!!

    Wait til you friends who will visit Stev and Jess see the awesome hills they live near and around! Our drive back to Mifflinburg, PA was awesome in the light of day!! The leaves are NOT peak for color yet, but still – OH SO BREATH TAKING!!!!

  3. Mom Garrett/Mamaw LeeAnn 10.12.2008 at 7:15 pm

    Wow! What a blessing to have that many people show up to help you unload and unpack. Also what a blessing to have your two friends suprise you and show up from Warsaw and help you load the moving truck. YOU ARE BLESSED TO HAVE SUCH FRIEND!!
    We can’t wait to see pictures of your new home and landscape. We are praying for you.

    Mom Garrett

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