Ray Boltz Comes Out

9.13.2008 — 9 Comments

My web-friend Terrace Crawford posted about it, so I don’t have to.

9 responses to Ray Boltz Comes Out

  1. Ughhh!!! The Hassi’s will be heart broken. He is thier favorite Christian Artist of all time.

  2. That is not right!!!! Some of my favorite songs growing up were “Thank You”, “I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb”, and “The Anchor Holds”. My day was just ruined.

    I must say you were right, The Hassi’s are broken hearted.

  3. TOTALLY, just TOTALLY unbelievable! My heart hurts just thinking about this.

    But, I guess it just goes to show that no matter how profound,how inspirational, how compassionate or how meaningful something is that we “do”, does not prove WHERE we “are” with our Lord. Nor does it guarantee that our future with HIM will remain the same without a willingness on our part. It is hard for me to even imagine that he was NEVER walking with the Lord. I pray that he comes back to HIS loving, forgiving arms.

    It certainly will put a damper on listening to some of my favorite songs. It definitely will cancel any immediate future “field trips” to Illinois. :[

  4. sad… I do not know how to feel about this sad news.

  5. MomGarrett/Mamaw LeeAnn 9.13.2008 at 11:55 pm

    Unbelievable and sad. My prayers will be going up for Ray.

  6. So heartbreaking….

    Please remember to pray for his wonderful family as well. I was friends with one of his daughters at Taylor; she is an amazing woman, and my heart is hurting so deeply for her, her mom, and her siblings as they walk this road.

  7. Cousin Britt 9.14.2008 at 4:25 pm

    I went to school in Albany Indiana with one of his daughters. Its the nicest family you will ever meet! Ray is such a great person, he was back then and I know he is now. I understand that it is sad news, but a person is a person. Just let him be and do what he wants to do.

  8. Cousin Britt 9.14.2008 at 4:27 pm

    Also keep Carol, Karen, Sara and Elizabeth. (wife and children) in your prayers. Thank you.

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