MOVIE REVIEW: “Cloverfield” (PG-13)

9.10.2008 — 12 Comments

Recently borrowed “Cloverfield” from the library here in town. I was excited to see it become available after placing it on hold. I remember the previews and hype surrounding the release of this movie in theaters and thinking that I really wanted to see it if I could. I had forgotten about it until just recently when I saw it available to add to our “wanted” list at the library.
The movie was great! It was unique in that it is all shot from one camera-angle – from the first-person perspective. I wasn’t ever a huge fan of the old Godzilla (or other) monster movies, and the few in recent years have been intriguing, but not over-the-top like I would’ve imagined.
Cloverfield exceeded my expectations as a modern-day Monster-Movie.
The first-person-perspective realism of the film made it work all the more for me. JJ Abrams produced an amazing movie in Cloverfield.
At least one teachable-moment came from a scene in which one of the main characters faces certain death and cries out to God and then Jesus for forgiveness before his impending death. I have had dreams reenacting this exact scene numerous times in my life. The idea of being sure that we were “prayed up” was a constant conversation with some High School peers while we were growing up. I am thankful to be living a life-of-faith instead of a crisis-moment-faith as many around us continue to do.

12 responses to MOVIE REVIEW: “Cloverfield” (PG-13)

  1. Rich (Bro In Law) 9.11.2008 at 9:37 am

    There is a peace that rests in knowing God, a peace found in salvation. So much so that though I have concern when I lay in the dark, terrified of the storm that rages about me I do not fear for my salvation, but instead that I do not know the heart of God better.
    (Rich Halt 1980-Present)

  2. Cousin Britt 9.11.2008 at 5:51 pm

    does Rich only speak in quotes?

  3. Rich (Bro In Law) 9.12.2008 at 10:52 am

    I have found that by using quotes to leave comments on what people are writing that it’s a lot more difficult to get into trouble, or hurt people’s feelings. Because when some one reads my response and in essence the quote is telling them their wrong, or just plain stupid they cant say anything about it because the quote isn’t from me, its from some one old, or dead, and if your dead and quoted by people then you must have been smart. What are you going to say to a dead man who just pwn’d you with verbage anyway? Nothing, cause he’s dead. It’s not that I dislike conflict because I enjoy it most times. It’s that I don’t like the follow up to the conflict where the family is on my case and trying to tug on my heart strings or whatever. Cause I don’t give a crap. So next time you read a quote of mine and feel bad, don’t get mad at me, get mad at the guy I’m quoting who knew I would be right sometimes hundreds of years before I actually was. (Rich Halt 1980-Present)

  4. Cousin Britt 9.12.2008 at 11:06 am

    Sorry…I forgot. You know it all.

  5. haha, Brit… welcome to my world!

  6. Rich (Bro In Law) 9.12.2008 at 12:56 pm

    Come on Brit, you grew up with Brock. You know how this goes. Part of the reason why Brock and I had such difficulty getting along some of the time is because I think we were in many ways entirely too similar.

  7. She doesn’t know Brock, Rich! It’s our cousin Leslie that does. So Brittany really is lost! :-)

  8. Rich, you’re hilarious! I’m laughing at your response about quoting dead guys! SO right-blame the old guy instead!

    By the way, your first quote up there spoke to me today. So thanks for letting us hear you once in awhile. No one can really argue that quote anyway.

  9. Britt, Brock is Stevan’s cousin. He and Rich went to church together when they were younger. Just so you aren’t completely lost!

  10. Oh, and Leslie and Leah went to that same church at that time.

  11. Cousin Britt 9.12.2008 at 2:59 pm

    i was wondering who the heck brock was. thanks for clearing it up for me, Jess

  12. Rich (Bro In Law) 9.12.2008 at 4:06 pm

    you people know/are related to too many people… You see, this is exactly why I use quotes. Come to think of it Bethany is brocks sister… ah, forget it, I’m going back to my dead guys…

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