8.10.2008 — 7 Comments

Jess borrowed a few videos from the library the other day and tonight we got around to watching Deja Vu to take a break from watching the Olympics all afternoon.

Wow. Loved it.

I nearly lost interest halfway through when the plot took a left turn and revealed what the movie was really all about, but instead of giving up I decided to accept the entertainment value of this science fiction craziness and enjoyed the remainder of the movie!

Jess and I were both trying to figure out why more people didn’t talk about this film when it came out originally. We’d recommend it to anyone who has taken a nap before watching – to be sure that their mind was clear enough to follow the craziness of the plot as it twists and turns. Don’t try and prove the movie wrong – it’s a movie.

Viewers should know that there was one “Titanic-esque” shaded-surveillance-nudity that made its way into the movie, too.

7 responses to MOVIE REVIEW: Deja Vu (PG-13)

  1. Have you seen Mama Mia yet? I know it is not a movie you might like but one I think Jess might like.

  2. Mama Mia?! No way Jose!

    Actually, I’m not sure Jess even knows much about it! I’m sure you’ll take care of that now that I’ve made it public! :)

  3. Maybe you are are too young to enjoy such classic music! I would listen to it all day at work if I could!

  4. Oh, I know I would love it! I did have to sing Opera in college, ya know. I appreciate all classically trained singers and am amazed at their abilities. I do need to research it more, I think! Thanks, Kathy!

  5. I just saw the trailer–I guess classic to you doesn’t mean Opera, Ha! Okay, I still want to see it—Hello, Colin Firth is in it–only the best Mr. Darcy to ever grace the screen!

  6. Oh my gosh I just have to agree! I love my Collin! He sings pretty good too! Way better than Pierce Brosnan! And yes, classic means something way different to me! The music is addictive – not in a bad way though. I bet Ella would like it – it is great dance music. Not that I would take her to it though.

  7. Jess I must also tell you that at the end of the movie – I never saw it coming – there is a scene where our wonderful Mr. Darcy is portrayed as a gay man. It was quick and I couldn’t watch. I covered my face.

    I had to let you know…

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