Definitive report:

2.25.2008 — 14 Comments

The Wiggles is the most disturbing show on television.

(and yet my 22-month-old daughter cannot seem to stop watching – and I feel obligated to make sure they aren’t trashing her mind with useless junk – so I must continue to watch too.)

14 responses to Definitive report:

  1. Wiggles are fun! Kayden likes them!

  2. No Teletubbies and No Wiggles in my house. Something is just wierd about those shows. My family is wierd enough.

  3. Maybe we should just look at them as a bunch of dad’s making developmentally appropriate shows for their kids. That’s less disturbing–and just because they are mainly men (women are in the chorus and Dorothy the Dino is def. a chica) does not mean they are gay–I know you’re thinking it even though you haven’t said it out loud, yet. Plus, they have Austrailian accents which just makes it that more interesting.

  4. sorry about the apostrophe–please remove!

  5. We have a little Wiggles addict at our house, too (as well as Teletubbies….) I’m with Jess…. just continue to remind yourself that most of them are dads (some of their kids are in the chorus).

    Also, something that I always remind myself…. we had a lady speak at MOPS once from PBS. She told us about a dad in the audience another time who complained about Teletubbies. She responded with the fact that adults SHOULDN’T like kids’ shows…. specifically, Teletubbies (and Wiggles?) as it was designed with an 18-month child in mind. She stated that if we, as adults, actually enjoy the shows that our kiddos are watching, it probably wasn’t actually designed for them, developmentally, anyway.

    Hang in there though…. Scott and I both can relate to the feeling of having a Wiggles song on the brain and not being able to get RID of it!

  6. For the record, I’m not declaring any of the Wiggles are gay. I wouldn’t even know which color shirt each guy is wearing. All I know is, the manerisms and presentation is just a bit strange to me and yes it may be a cultural disconnect. There are accusations of them being ‘gay’. I guess overly effeminate may fit better. My opinion is, it’s just wierd. Nothing more than that for the record. Sponge Bob was one I had to warm up to a bit more, the kids watch it, but it is not exciting to me either. The humor is just wierd to me. The word ‘brain numbing’ comes to mind.

  7. MomGarrett/Mamaw LeeAnn 2.25.2008 at 6:31 pm

    I think it’s great that the Wiggles get children excited about moving around and exercising.

  8. That’s a good point about shows being geared for certain age groups and only those within that group should enjoy them, Deanna. Plus, I always try to analyze them and figure out what developmentally appropriate things they are working on in each episode(a teacher habit I can’t break)! But, what does it mean when I actually enjoy some of these shows????? Help! I’m a Stay-At-Home-Mommy and the only new things I learn each week are the Spanish words of the day on Sesame Street! ;-)

    Eric, my Dad always used the term, “I just lost a few brain cells!” whenever he/we would watch something that was ‘brain numbing’ to him! :-) I think it would fit with this topic, don’t you? Maybe that’s why I watch with Ella sometimes…lures me in and kills the cells all at the same time.

    Oh, and by the way, I wasn’t accusing you (Eric) of thinking that the Wiggle-dudes are gay, it was my husband that I was referring to. I think you’re right about the cultural disconnect point–effeminate to us may not be the same in other countries! All in all, if Ella has an australian accent when she says the letters of the alphabet, I think it will just be that much more adorable!:-) Or, she may decided they’re boring to her next week and we won’t watch them ever again–one never knows with a toddler!

  9. I gave this a bit more thought last night.

    For starters, I play with my girls and my boys. For those who don’t know, I have 4 kids B/G/B/G 12/10/6/3.

    I have played dollies and “make daddy pretty” and all that and I am very much a goof and I am silly with my kids when we play. However, I’m not an effeminate sissy that wears black leotards or stirrup pants with 3 other guys to think that is the most effective way to reach my toddler or any other child for any reason.

    I guess the thing that bothers me the most is that women can do just as fine a job as anyone (i think better) to be effeminate, a character trait that is being lost in younger generations. Women are trying to be more manly and men are being told to be more sensitive, which is a good character trait to have, but feminine sensitivity and mennerisms should be expressed through women definitely not men. Men need to understand how to be sensitive emotionally and be able to communicate it to women.

    Gender roles are not a bad thing, as the modern culture feels that they are. Men are very confused about what it means to be a man, and women in general are not as feminine. This is not to our cultures benefit by any means in my opinion.

    So, I’m saying that 4 guys in spandex and squeezing into a little red car, waving limp wristed, talking like sissies and being generally effeminate in most of thier mannerisms is not something that should be accepted as okay. Even for entertainment value for our children.

    I’m not discussing the content of the show, I’m talking about the presentation.

    Who doesn’t like the song, “Fruit salad, Yummy Yummy!”? Put that in your head and numb it!

    Nurture your boys to be boys and your girls to be girls and for both to appreciate the differences in each other. Let your men be manly and your women be feminine.

    Psychologically our children fine security in solid gender roles of a father and mother.

    Hope this makes sense.

  10. Actually, the Wiggles are all college educated, married gentlemen. Greg (the yellow shirt one) actually has a degree in Early Childhood education. I believe some of their kids are involved in the show with them. Talk about family bonding!!! :-)

    If memory serves me (might have lost too many cells watching PBS with my 3 toddlers) they guys taught together and had the “crazy idea” to form a group to help teach kids, probably the best financial decision they ever made.

  11. Watched the show this morning with Kayden. He loved it! I did not see anything wrong with it. I even watched for the “effeminate” behavior and did not see any. My goodness such discussion for a children’s show. Stevan you must be so happy all these comments!

  12. Stevan-

    Where are all of your manly friends in this discussion??

  13. Grandma Sally Sheets (aka-“Mom”) 2.27.2008 at 10:45 am


    I am ‘thinking’ that it seems I am certainly and mostly seeing your side! I also clearly see the need for encouraging children to get up and move, but then with using TV to get them to, I am concerned that children are too MUCH and so often NOT outside to play as we were as children! I realize that this may be for fear of them being victim to being abducted, but then if one of the parents is with them, there would be no need for those fears! I could say much more on this but I won’t! TV is NOT what God designed for our children’s healthy bodies or their brains!!

    I am a lady with definite feminine traits in the ways I look, dress, move, act, see and handle life! I enjoy being a woman and I agree and feel that boys should be encouraged VERY young, to enjoy being MEN!! Not MACHO men, but men nonetheless! I feel the same way about little girls being thoroughly encouraged to enjoy their femininity! One proof of this is, each Sunday as pastor’s wife I stand at the back of the church before and immediately following church – in order to greet people. One of my habits (and my purpose) is to make a point to comment on the way the girls are “dressed up” and to the boys looking so handsome when they are dressed neatly and with ‘men looking’ apparel! I have at least two little girls (it’s been reported to me), that dress especially for church with comments like, “Mom, Sally (“Miss Sowwee”) will like what I am wearing today won’t she”! That makes impressions on them and me!

    I am all for men to be men even in their silliness and women to be ladies even in their work and play!!

    I must also say here, that my own children enjoyed watching Mr. Rogers, and I would watch it with them from time to time, but it was NOT something that made me find enjoyment in it, I found it annoying to my working pattern…WAY TOO SLOW MOVING!!!!!

    Enough said! Eric, I find your wisdome very refreshing and besides you have reason to be wise with FOUR children!!!

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