What a gift!

2.1.2008 — 5 Comments

This evening the UPS delivery-guy dropped off a suspicious-looking box at the house. It had my name on it. The return address was labeled, “Alexandria eBay” or something like that and I instantly questioned Jess as to what she may have bought on eBay without telling me. Even before her reply I tore into the package and emptied out the contents onto the dining room table.

25 loofahs.

Very interesting.

I have publicly said that men who use loofahs are questionable. This public statement has only seemed to truly offend one person so far – Mr. Josh Morton.

Josh Morton received a phone call immediately following the discovery of our gift and through slight coercion I was able to get him to admit to being the prankster.

Thank you Josh Morton for our new loofahs – all of which will be used by my wife and/or daughter when she is old enough to need one. (Or you when you come to visit us!)

5 responses to What a gift!

  1. THAT was amazing….

  2. Momma Sweeny 2.2.2008 at 7:58 am

    Asst. colors too!!!!

  3. Ha!! That reminds me of the year at camp when Rich VanVuren forgot his loofah at home. He had me pick one up for him from Wal-Mart cause he couldn’t make it thru the week w/o it!! Hmmmm! That’s something that should’ve never been mentioned in a room full of youth pastors!! BTW…we did miss you at the renewal weekend…sounds like you had a nice one of your own to attend! :)

  4. I think the pretty lime green one will suit you just fine Stevan!!! Enjoy!!!!

  5. MomGarrett/Mamaw LeeAnn 2.2.2008 at 5:42 pm

    Look at it this way Stevan. You can teach Ella her colors with the loofahs and you can teach her how to throw them like a basketball into a box or something without anything breaking. I’m sure she would be delighted!!

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