BOOK REVIEW: “Character Makes a Difference” by Mike Huckabee

1.30.2008 — 4 Comments

character_makes_a_difference.jpgMy mother-in-law saw Mike Huckabee’s book at the Christian bookstore and immediately thought of me and bought it for me. I finished it in three days.

I read things about Mike Huckabee that I never knew. The book revolves around the word “Character”. Huckabee talks about the character that he has and why it’s important to make strides to keep one’s character of utmost importance.

The book was written before Huckabee’s public run for Presidential office and gives great background on where he came from, what he believes, and what he feels a Christian-perspective of politics should be! It’s really fantastic and a quick-read!

4 responses to BOOK REVIEW: “Character Makes a Difference” by Mike Huckabee

  1. In his book does he mention the time that his kid got kicked out of boy scouts camp for mutilating a dog? Or the fact that Huck had destroyed 80+ computers (with state emergency funds) before he left office?

  2. Those two things didn’t get mentioned in the book, John. He did mention that the computers were wiped clean before he TOOK office, so maybe your lines were crossed? About his son … how does that have any bearing on this?

  3. mutilating a dog!??! that’s AMAZING!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAA!! seriously… that SHOULD have made the book!!!!

  4. Grandma Sally Sheets (aka-“Mom”) 2.1.2008 at 5:55 pm

    Stevan, I am sure there is a great degree of concern with some people in knowing that a youthful child of someone, could do something so meanspirited (a suspicioned reflection on the parenting quality), that is why I would be concerned! I know this discussing about candidates is open and helpful, but it also can make for great divisions in what is of relevance to one, and what is NOT to another! Give an ear, it won’t hurt!

    AND, P L E A S E be careful what you do, I may run for Secretary of State or something one day!!

    Much love,
    Momma (still Grandma)!

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