Ella Has a Booster Seat!

11.14.2006 — 4 Comments

This afternoon Jess and I took Ella to the “B.A.B.E.” store here in Warsaw. It’s a store for the county that doesn’t accept money. They only accept “B.A.B.E.” coupons. We received these coupons at Ella’s doctor’s appointments, at Jess’ OB appointments, when we finished our parenting classes, even one a month because Jess gets visits from the “Healthy Families” lady each week. We’ve been saving up these coupons (19 of them until today) and decided to make the trip to the B.A.B.E. store to see what we could get!

We ended up with some new outfits for Ella, a new teething toy, a booster seat, and even a new floor-toy (a water-filled duck).

Check out Ella in her new booster seat:


Yesterday Jess picked up a car seat cover to protect Ella during these cold months. Check it out:

Also, per “Momma Sweeny’s” request, here’s a photo of Ella and her new sweater:

4 responses to Ella Has a Booster Seat!

  1. Momma Sweeny 11.14.2006 at 11:39 pm

    Thank you!! Glad it looks like it fits, but where’s her pants??????

  2. Momma Sweeny 11.14.2006 at 11:50 pm

    Forgot to ask, have you had time to watch Second Hand Lions yet? I”m not asking because I want it back, just want to know if you liked it.

  3. Mom Garrett/ Grandma Garrett 11.16.2006 at 7:11 pm

    Hey Momma Sweeny, my husband and I have watched Second Hand Lions, and loved it!

    I notice Ella is waving in her picture. She must like her new sweater. Also love that booster seat. I need to get one of those for Ella to use when she comes to grandma and grandpa’s house.

  4. MeMaw Sheets (Sally-Mom) 11.16.2006 at 8:38 pm

    Love that girlie in her new sweater and ESPECIALLY the hat to match the sweater (I love how it frames her ADORABLE face!!!! DId momma Sweeny make the set?

    I have a folding seat that clips on the edge of the table AND your over 20 year old high chair for Ella to use! And remember, I also have a stroller (not exactly the model you have and the car seat can’t clip into mine. But those are things you don’t need to bring at Christmas! I also have a infant portable crib (wooden) and it is over 20 years old but in good shape and I have mattress pad for it and the sheets and fixings for it too!

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