Our little Eskimo!

10.31.2006 — 9 Comments

Tonight was Warsaw Wesleyan’s first-ever “Trunk ‘N Treat” Halloween alternative celebration. 25 vehicles circled up, filled their trunks full of candy, we gave a Gospel presentation and kids went home with enough candy to keep 20 dentists in business! Our trunks were to be “decorated” as we saw fit. Our decoration theme? “Winter in Montana (plus an igloo)”

Here’s our little Eskimo in her wintery-bliss.






Igloo artwork by yours truly. Nice, huh?

Now, my thoughts on Halloween.

#1 – I’m very thankful that my parents took us Trick-or-Treating as kids. I have some great family memories of being dressed in stupid costumes and receiving incredible amounts of free candy from my neighbors. (one of those memories includes dragging my little sister, Sherilyn, around the neighborhood in my wagon in her JOY Dish Detergent bottle costume – which I’m pretty sure was a display from a grocery store that my mom asked for and retro-fitted to make into a Halloween costume)

#2 – I am also glad that I was a part of “Harvest Parties” or whatever the local church we were at called them – where we did “alternatives to trick-or-treating”. I have fond memories of dressing up as a mummy and saying I was “Lazarus” because it was a church-event.

#3 – I was very glad to be a part of a church that offered a safe alternative to the average trick-or-treating that took place in our town tonight.

#4 – When Ella is old enough, I look forward to taking her trick-or-treating on the only opportunity each year when our neighbors will willingly open their front doors and hand her gobs of free candy for her to share with her father.

#5 – The Sheets family will never be displaying “gory” or “evil” items as “decorations” during this time of year. We will always roll our eyes at the neighbor who buys hundreds of dollars worth of Halloween decorations and wonder what it is they’re celebrating and will double-visit their house if they have good candy.

9 responses to Our little Eskimo!

  1. I also agree about all the people who buy halloween decorations. I will not ever put up anything that has to do with halloween. I only decorate in pumpkins and gourds… I wish people didnt make a huge deal of halloween…

  2. Stev,
    I think you should put up decorations of the saints and martyrs of the early Christian church, and bring this holiday back to the All Hollows Eve when we Christians used to begin to celebrate their faith and death for Christ. So just put of pictures of saints and apostles and all that stuff. lol

  3. Heather Slater 11.1.2006 at 12:50 pm

    sooooo…. DID YOU WIN??????????

  4. that made me laugh.
    remember the house by the church in the corner that gave full sized candy bars? did u get my message last night? i had the most fun halloween since we were kids last night – for sure!! where was ella’s costume? :( i did like the winterland in ur van though… nice.

  5. Here, here on the double-visiting! Kinda like that kid in the commercial who shows up once as a pirate and then again as a fairy. :)

    She just keeps getting cuter…and bigger!

  6. Mom Garrett/ Grandma Garrett 11.1.2006 at 11:56 pm

    Ahhhhh what a sweetie pie Ella is. Love her new little coat and hat. Can’t wait until I can kiss those sweet rosy cheeks of hers again. Give her a kiss from me.

    Love Grandma LeeAnn

  7. How cool! It’s neat to see how many churches do “Trunk N’ Treat” or what our church calls..”Trunk or Treat”. Great pictures! Ella made a great eskimo! Did you and Jess dress up??

  8. MeMaw Sheets (Sally-Mom) 11.2.2006 at 7:18 pm

    Oh what a dear, precious and darling granddaughter Ella is and as a PINK outfitted Eskimo, she looks adorable! Of course her super smile and twinkling eyes, help her alot too!

    Love your artistic talent and the Igloo! Also the fake snow covered floor of your van! Very creative genius!!!

    That GIANT bottle of JOY dish detergent, was PURCHASED at a GARAGE SALE, ofr less than a dollar!!!! I BOUGHT IT!!!! It was a super adorable item for Sherilyn to be fitted into for her trick of treating that year! Do you remember how we had to lay her in the wagon, and pull her from house to house, and set her up each and every time … she could only slide her feet because it was so tight fitting! That WAS a memory maker for sure!

    Proud of you!

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