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debateThis is going to be interesting.

Answers in Genesis has scheduled a LIVE debate between Answer’s In Genesis President and CEO Ken Ham and Bill Nye “The Science Guy”. The subject: “Is creation a viable model of origins?”

Here’s a quick-video from Ken Ham talking about the upcoming debate:

The event will take place LIVE at the Creation Museum on Tuesday, February 4th starting at 7PM EST and is scheduled to be over by 9:30PM. They sold-out of tickets to the event (held in their 900-seat auditorium) in just two minutes after making them available via their website.

Answers in Genesis has also made available a livestreaming option to watch the debate on February 4th – originally they were asking for a fee of $5 to gain access to the livestream feed but have since stopped charging and are making it available for FREE!

To gain access to the livestream, however, you must sign up for access here at They are even encouraging group-watching so an entire church or small group could plan to join in and watch this event in community.

Why am I personally excited about this debate? As a young-earth creationist (standing on God’s Word and believing the earth to be between 6,000 and 7,000 years old) myself I am consistently reading and researching the topic of Creation and Evolution and the ongoing debates that result. I used to love watching Bill Nye’s “Science Guy” television program as a child, but have been quite disgusted by his recent attempt at silencing the Creationist voice. I’m intrigued that he’s willing to involve himself in this live event and look forward to watching the conversation unfold between Nye and Ham.

Here is a short video of Nye speaking directly to people like me about his feelings on the danger of believing and teaching Creationism:

Ken Ham talks about the importance of this debate in his recent blog post. Here is a quote from that post:

Because our ministry theme for 2013 and for 2014 is “Standing Our Ground, Rescuing Our Kids,” our staff thought that a debate on creation vs. evolution with a man who has influenced so many children to believe in evolution would be a good idea. Now, those of you who know me realize that I don’t relish public debates, so please pray for me. But this debate will help highlight the fact that so many young people are dismissing the Bible because of evolution, and even many young people who had grown up in the church decided to leave the church because they saw evolution as showing the Bible could not be trusted.

The debate is receiving some unique media coverage and Bill Nye has been interviewed numerous times about the upcoming event. Here is a video of him on CNN’s “The Situation Room“:

Once more, all the information about the event is available on AiG’s event page including access to the livestream and the availability of purchasing a post-debate DVD.

What do you think? Are you going to tune in? Talk to me in the comments section!


The recent news-blast of school closings due to weather-related issues has me thinking . . .

Remember when your parents or grandparents would tell the story of how difficult they had it in their day? The story of walking to school included an impossible route that required them to march up a steep-sloped hill on both their going and coming – often with 3-or-more feet of snow covering the ground and maybe even the threat of real-life trolls hanging out beneath the bridge they had to cross. I heard this and similarly drawn-out, embellished stories and truthfully, I have even adapted my own! To my school-aged daughter I’ve complained about my own ‘trials’ of having to wait for the bus in Middle School at a bus stop within sight of our house’s front door (if you turned your head just right).

This morning I happened upon a collection of pictures of real kids with REAL stories-worth-telling of their difficult walks to school.

You can see all 17 pictures (and accurate descriptions) here.

Kind of puts things into a different perspective, no?

These picture-stories remind me of the now-viral video “First-world Problems Anthem” that made its rounds last year:

What do you think? Are we (as an American culture) too-quick to cancel school (or complain about our first-world problems with getting there) all the while neglecting to even THINK about what others are dealing with to pursue their opportunity for education?

Unique Chess Set

12.30.2013 — 1 Comment

I totally missed out on the opportunity to get my chess-master father the most unique Christmas gift ever this year.

Can you imagine his delight on Christmas morning if he would have opened a wrapped chess set made completely of taxidermied mice?

From the Etsy (where else?) page of this one-of-a-kind item:

This delightfully deceased taxidermy chess set is sure to get peoples attention. Every mouse was a unique creature in life, making each piece of this set a one of kind creation. Hand stuffed by me, but created by the guy upstairs (or whoever you believe created mice).
The set includes 16 light colored mice and 16 dark mice, in various sizes, pawns being the smallest. Set comes complete with wooden hand painted chess board, and storage case (not pictured)
All specimens were acquired from a captive breeding facility that distributes frozen rodents for reptile feeding, so don’t feel sad if these little guys were not battling it out on the chess board they would be deep in the belly of a snake.

DCIM112GOPROToday, just after daybreak, I shot and killed a GORGEOUS doe that will provide for our family for MONTHS!

If you’ve been a loyal follower, you might remember my “Deer Diary | Entry 1” post was two years ago! I didn’t hunt last year because I was in Africa during much of the season.

Today’s hunt was on the same property that I shot my first deer those two years ago, and I am SO thankful that the Showvaker family allowed me once-again to harvest another blessing from their acreage!

I didn’t film the kill, but I did remember to put my new GoPro on my head as I first got down from the deer stand and headed out to where she lay.

(embedded video, click here if you can’t see it)

I think you’ll be able to sense just how awesome of an experience I had today by watching the few-minutes of the video!