Archives For General

Fun times the other night at the kitchen table when a UPS package arrived (gift from my in-laws) and it included a small piece of dry ice!

We had to act fast, but we had fun!

DHL wins the “most covert and genius advertising award” with this awesome idea

Unity in Coloring

2.20.2014 — 1 Comment


Not to brag, but I think I’m way better at coloring than the kid featured on Matthew Paul Turner’s blog.

Check out this new video produced by McDonalds (Canada) that shows the process of making their Chicken McNuggets and dispelling some of the disgusting myths surrounding their product. Rumors, I might add, that never kept me from eating them in the first place.

Now, if we could only get Ball Park® to release a video about my other beloved foot-item.

bill-nye-ken-ham-debateThe #CreationDebate ended a little bit ago, as did the post-event interview with Piers Morgan on CNN.

I’m still sitting here trying to sort through all that I (we?) just witnessed and experienced. (I’m also wondering how bad a level-2 snow emergency is and what it means for those traveling home after the debate there in Kentucky)

My quick-and-somewhat-random thoughts:

1. That wasn’t fun.
I didn’t enjoy watching the debate tonight. Not sure why I imagined I would, initially, but I didn’t sit here with a smile on my face or warm feelings in my gut. I expected to ‘enjoy’ watching and taking notes. I didn’t. It may have been the ‘overload’ or the (as I expected) continual skirting of issues instead of staying on topic.

2. That wasn’t much of a ‘debate’.
The format wasn’t to my liking. The initial 5-minute introductory statements were followed by 30-minute presentations by each presenter were followed by 5-minute ‘rebuttals’ and then another 5-minute rebuttal for the initial rebuttal to be rebutted. (lost yet?) What followed then was a sequence of Q&A featuring written-questions from the audience presented to each presenter followed by a 5-minute answer from presenter #1 and a 1-minute answer by presenter #2. This went back-and-forth to be fair, but seemed difficult to follow and there were a few times that even the presenter had to ask for the question to be re-read because the initial answer-er went off-topic. I wished for more back-and-forth opportunities between the two presenters, and I feel they would’ve both excelled in an opportunity to dialogue with a moderator stepping in to give guidance to who has the floor to keep the time-constraints in line. It was much more presentation and much-less ‘debate’ in my opinion.

3. I’m still a young earth creationist and some of my peers are Bible-believing, God-fearing evolutionists.
I’m doubtful that ANY minds were changed tonight (on either side). This was a common-expectation going in to tonight’s event. There will be factions on either side touting ‘victory’, but I think deep down both sides know this is an ‘agree to disagree’ argument.

That’s just the quick-off-the-brain thoughts post-event.

I did take notes of the entire event and I look forward to reading follow up articles and posts about other people’s take on the event tonight.

My notes are available by clicking here.