What I’m Looking Forward to the Most While on Vacation

6.28.2012 — 4 Comments

We’re heading to the beach in Florida in just a few days. There are MANY things I need to accomplish here in Shippensburg before then but I can’t help but also looking forward to some of what we’ll be experiencing while away on our family vacation on the Atlantic Ocean.

Some of the things I’m looking forward to while we’re away:

  • With the help of Ella and Ezra I’m looking forward to giving this guy a run for his money.
  • I’m definitely looking forward to possibly witnessing (or participating in) something like this.
  • I should be able to complete some much-needed (and desired) reading. I look forward to finishing this, this, and this specifically.
  • The chance of witnessing something like this from a safe distance.
  • Most of all, I’m truly looking forward to just being Husband and Dad and spending time with these people.

What am I missing? This is our family’s first true-vacation and it’s the first time since I was in High School that I’ve spent longer than a day or two at the beach… What would you say are the must-do’s while vacationing as a family at the beach near Daytona Beach? We would welcome your input!

4 responses to What I’m Looking Forward to the Most While on Vacation

  1. You need to drive over to Orlando and see the Crisps who leave for FL tomorrow!

  2. Mom G./Grandma/Lee Ann 7.2.2012 at 9:52 pm

    Stay away from those jumping sharks!!!!!

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