In Tha Muthahood

5.5.2011 — 2 Comments

I love my wife. She represents “Tha Muthahood” better than most. I am honored to be her husband and am in awe of her mothering skills (and patience level)! Happy almost-mother’s day, babe!

This video by Anita Renfroe has been making its ‘viral rounds’ on the interwebs and I found it entertaining enough to warrant blogging about it.

My favorite line: “we bust a cap on toothpaste”.


2 responses to In Tha Muthahood

  1. I am humbled at your intro to this video. How you could have known I needed such hilarious comic relief is beyond me, but thank you, Babe, for always making me laugh. Ezra put an Easter basket on his head and danced to this video making it even funnier! I needed this. I know you know that. Thanks for finding a way to contact practically every woman who has ever meant anything to me so they could encourage me today. I am still getting new messages of encouragement. I know it’s because of you. I feel prayed for and SO loved. I don’t deserve you, but am honored to be your wife and the mother of your children.

  2. Stevan, what a sweet tribute to Jessica!

    Anita is funny and can tell it like it is while also making you laugh!! What every, especially young mother, needs to be able to do in the midst of feeling a bit overwhelmed!! (which can be everyday with toddlers)

    Jessica, YOU are such a wonderful mommy. One day you will be like me and get to see the results of all of your mommy time you are giving now come to fruition when seeing them become wonderful and beautiful adults that bless the world and the Lord. You are a blessing to your momma! I am so proud of you and love you dearly.

    BIG HUGS from your Momma!

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